Firstly, Honey. Throughout the year Honey has consistently applied herself and worked hard to meet the blogging criteria: labels, title and a short description of her learning. This hard work has paid off and her blog is becoming a great portfolio of her learning journey.
Congratulations to Honey. You can view her full blog here
Our second blogger of the Month is Salesi. Salesi has over the month of August really begun to take pride in his work, which is reflected in his blogposts. He has been completing work on time, updating the blog log with the link to his posts and making sure to include the WALT. Salesi was also the first person from Room 7 to create a post a Movenote. Movenote is a great app which records the screen and ourselves so we can talk about our learning for the audience to listen to.
Ka Pai Salesi - Keep up the great work. You can view his full blog here

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