
Saturday, 26 September 2015

10 Day Blogging Challenge

This Holidays Room 7 have a 10 day blogging challenge to complete 10 blogs, one a day over the holidays. 

As part of the blogging challenge I will be completing it too. 
So here goes. Counting Down. 

Day 10: 10 SECRETS!

  1. I like listening to Justin Beiber when I am driving to work.
  2. I love dancing to Jump Jam, even though I don't always go the right direction or get the moves right
  3. My favourite place in the world is at my whānau bach in Mahia, we go there every christmas, lay the mattresses out and have lots of great family time. (See photo below) 
  4. Sometimes I wonder what all the wonderful tamariki in Room 7 will become when they are older. I believe they might be doctors, lawyers, All Blacks, business owners, teachers, sports stars, police officers, musicians, parents and even more! 
  5. My least favourite time of the day is teeth brushing time, but I do it anyway, because these teeth have to last my whole life. 
  6. Sometimes I dance around my living room by myself and it's really fun. 
  7. I love travelling and want to go all over the world to explore new things. 
  8. Sometimes I wear my black Nike's I love them because secretly they have a wedge heel inside and make me 2 inches taller... (Shhhh!!)
  9. Last week after writing out the class certificates, I put them somewhere 'safe' until assembly. But then, I forgot where the 'safe' place was... I had to look everywhere, and was panicking a little bit, bet eventually I found them, and they were 'safe'!
  10. Earlier this term we wrote about eating insects as part of a healthy diet, I mashed some raisins on the fly swat, then ate them pretending that I was eating real insects. It was pretty funny tricking everyone, but I did feel a little bad for keeping it a secret!

Be sure to join in the blogging fun and share every day for ten days too!  

The view from our family bach in Mahia


  1. Anonymous9:23 am

    Fabulous idea Stephanie. Day 1 is pretty tough! My favourite place in the world is Pataua Beach and I go there every Christmas with my whānau as well. Can't say I have ever thought about mashing raisins on a fly swat to trick people BUT certainly plenty of time to give that a go. Look forward to reading your students posts over the next 10 days. Enjoy some down time over the holidays.

  2. Haha, I did tell them about the raisins before they went to eat lunch, didn't want to put anyone off their food. A few of our tamariki have started their blog challenges, I am learning lots of interesting things about them!
