Mrs Parker loaded 13 questions from our learning in the Life Education van. Each of us used our devices (tablets and iPads) as a game pad to answer the questions.
This quiz was great for reminding us about all the amazing things we learned, and it helped those who hadn't remembered to learn it the second time around.
The best bit about Kahoot is it told us straight away if we were correct or not, and what the correct answer was. There was a leaderboard to keep us all interested too. We could see how close we were to the person in front of us and improve our score by answering correctly and quickly. It was a great challenge for our brains!
Well done to our top 5 this week:
It was a really close game. Before the last question the order was Davarni, Honey, Luisa, Salesi and McKenzie.... how quickly the tables can turn.
Well done to everybody, we all participated and all learned a lot!